Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Community Action Service Goals. @ OSC

My goals for the CAS program, which is still new to me, I will be setting now, and will look into expanding them in the future. They will be interesting, and some new to me, and doable so I don't have problems afterwards. At the beginning of 11th grade, I started wall climbing for the first time, also football and swimming (which I've been doing for years). I got in the Sunflower Village group, and we will be looking to teach them the basics of swimming.The Sunflower Village is new to me, and my goal is to teach the kids from a local school how to swim, as much as I could. And with this I want to develop my leadership skills towards the kids. As far as football and swimming, my goal is to train hard, compete, and get my body in better shape, with that also fulfill my free time with something active.

So this are my goals for the first few months, after I finish them I will set new ones about which I will think in the mean time. (: