Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week Without Walls

In January, two weeks after the start of the school year, Grade 11 went down south to Hambantota for 5 days. The first and the last day we were just having fun around the hotel and in the rooms, but duriung the 3 days in between, two groups of us went to two different schools in two different villages in the area of Hambantota. There, we participated in an activity of painting the walls in those schools, which were built by OSC after the Tsunami.
I did work on a murial on one of the walls, and also helped with the painting of the walls, the doors and the windows around the whole place.
With this, I have undertaken new challenges, because I haven't participated in this kind of activities before, and I haven't painted walls nor windows and doors. Also, I have done something like murials in art, but I've never done it on a wall.
Apart from this, we planned and initiated our activities, because before we started, even before the trip while we were still in school we made plans about who is going to work on what, so we don't waste too much time when we're there. And because I was in the murial group, we came up with a theme and we came up with the whole design before the trip.
During the painting, I worked collaboratively with others while painting, which is normal because this is a group activity.
I also showed perseverance and commitment in my activities, because apart from doing the murals, which was the only thing I was supposed to do, I also helped people with other stuff, like painting the windows and the other walls, as well as moving things around and cleaning the equipment.
With participating in this activity, I was engaged with issues of global importance, because we are helping people that are dealing with poverty and education, and I have contributed to the children having more convinient facilities while in school.
With the whole activity, I have developed new skills, because as I mentioned for the first time I painted walls.

This is me painting the background of the murial

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


From 2nd to 6th December 7 people from OSC went to Kathmandu, Nepal in order to participate in SAISA Art 2010 together with students from many other schools. Our flight was scheduled for early morning on Thursday, and on the way to Kathmandu we stop in Delhi where we had an hour free time. After the arrival in Kathmandu, we went to our host families and we spent the first couple of days there, and we spent the last night in a hotel. During that time I made 2 pieces of work, one of which with acrylic colours, charcoal and a marker and the other one with charcoal, ink and marker. On the first piece I worked collaboratively with other students which helped me improve my collaborative skills. And with participating in everything that was happening I also showed perseverance and commitment in my activities. On the second piece I worked individually and experimented with different kind of paper and different medias. With this I undertook new challenges, because I haven't tried working like this before. Also , I've increased my awareness of my own strengths and areas for growth because I saw that I am good in working with charcoal but not as skillful in working with acrylic colours.

Overall, it was a good experience and I had a nice time.
 OSC SAISA Art group 2010
SAISA Art students in Bakhtrapur, 2010